Food Bank
Helping Those In Need

Food Pantry
Cliffdale Church's Food Pantry is a place where
"Love Truly Works".
We know we are here to
Love God . . . Love Others . . . Love the World
From Genesis to Revelation, the Word of God gives instruction, command, and examples of how we can accomplish this.
Our Mission
To serve the community
Our Strategy
Assist homeless, disadvantaged, and impoverished families/individuals
Our Goal
To provide healthy and nourishing food at no charge in honor of the Kingdom of God
Assistance Available:
Call our office at 910-864-4911
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
A federal program that helps with food and nutrition assistance for people experiencing
hardships or emergencies.
Through TEFAP, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) purchases a variety of nutritious, high-quality USDA foods, and makes those foods available.
As part of the Farm Bill, this program purchases this food from distressed farmers and other suppliers which means that USDA supports local economies in times of hardship.
The TeFap program is offered at
Cliffdale Church's Food Pantry once a month.
Assistance Available:
Monthly, on a Wednesday,
from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
(See calendar for specific dates)